I am just so overjoyed with the response to this blog and sharing my story. I keep saying I don’t know how to describe the emotions I’ve been feeling except my heart feels like it could burst (in a good way!), my heart is so full and so happy and so joyful.

For so many long and painful years I thought I’d never recover. The lies of the eating disorder and depression told me I’d never recover, that full recovery was for others and not for me. That I’d always struggle, that my life would just be full of darkness and pain. That there was no hope. Year after year when my dreams of being a volunteer coach and returning to running were not possible due to my struggles, the times I considered taking a leave from school because it was almost too much to handle, the dark thoughts. Each challenging and dark part of my story brought me to this point where I stand today, sharing my story and helping to prevent eating disorders in others and help those that are currently struggling. I’ve cried so many happy tears the last few weeks. Thank you.
I can’t wait to see where God takes this blog and the ripples of change and love that will follow.
With love,
"You intended to harm me but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives." -Genesis 50:20
Megan Ludke is a woman of God, Founder and Executive Director of Live RecoverED (formerly RecoverED Athletes), a school-based physical therapist, and a current PSU graduate student (M.Ed. Health Education & Promotion concentration in Eating Disorders). She is recovered from anorexia, orthorexia, depression, OCD, and social anxiety. Megan is deeply passionate about her work at Live RecoverED, having felt the pain and darkness of struggling with an eating disorder. When not working, Megan loves spending time with her boyfriend and family and loves being outside- hiking or reading in a hammock